
Quick Tip: How to wear prints!

Hey lovelies! Sam and Natalie here, to tell you all about print!

So don’t get me wrong, I love print- But when it gets to the point where I’m wearing a leopard bodysuit (in public) to try  and get my point across, that’s where I draw the line! Here's a few tips on good way to wear prints!

So the first few pictures are of what a good combination might look like: A sleek black dress, black leggings, and a faux fur leopard print coat! Why this outfit is so cute, is because we're pairing the flashy print with solid color!

Tip! When you’re wearing print, add neutral colors to make it fashionable, instead of chaotic!

Now, instead of the whole leopard print bodysuit idea, woman in the photo below pulls off a good variation of that! Still a full suit of print, but it’s really a dress! If you want to wear a printed dress, go for it girl! You could pull something off like this! If you'd like a bit more, pair it with minimal (really minimal) accessories and a single pop of color!

With the outfit below, you could add a pop of color in a headband, nail polish, shoes, or a single chunky bracelet! But remember, ONE single pop of color that is on ONE item, not all. The only exception is nail polish, but that should also be the same single color as your item of choice!

Overall, wear what you like! How you dress is a part of your personality, so express it with your style! I hope you learned a few things from this quick tip, and if you have any ideas or questions for us leave a comment, or send us an email at go.lovely101@gmail.com that’s all for now lovelies! Talk to you next time!

~Natalie & Sam~

Photos courtesy of Google Images

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